August 2013 Moms

When are you telling work?

Finally got to my first OB appt on Tuesday.  I thought it would never come.  I'm 9 weeks, but knowing at Christmas and not telling anyone was tough.  We told family yesterday and then... posted it on facebook for all to see!  The only ones I haven't told is work.  How long are you guys waiting to tell your boss?  I'm looking at a possible seasonal promotion that would end about the time I give birth.  Perfect timing right?!  I'm afraid that my very chauvinistic CEO will think I "can't handle it" though.  I think my immediate superior is on to me, but I'm sure she'll be elated to hear the news.  Not sure what I should do.  Once I tell one, the news will spread like wildfire, so holding my tongue for now.  Any suggestions out there?
Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
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