
is this the end of BFing?

i'm sad. 

i nursed my first for a year and expected to be able to do that again with #2. 

he is 5 months and for the last month or so barely nursing during the day (2mins then will unlatch) - but eats every 2hrs at night... . A couple weeks ago he broke 2 teeth and starting refusing completely, night or day.  i could get him to take a few bottles, BF and i supplemented with some formula, so I did that and now that is his preference.  he turns away from nursing except sometimes in teh middle of the night.  i don't want to pump all his food - i like the act of nursing, but it seems he is no longer interested.  i feel horrible giving him formula this early but pumping makes my breasts crazy tender and sore....

do you think he just wants to be weaned? 

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