
Breakfast bars?

I'm asking about this on this board, because I know diet/nutrition are super important when it comes to BFing...

I go back to work in a few weeks, and I'm starting to think about what my daily routine is going to entail.  I typically leave for work at 6:30am, and DH coaches high school baseball so he won't be home until after 6:30pm every day.   I'm trying to decide when to fit in a workout each day, and it seems like getting up early to do it before work will be most feasible because at least DH will be here to watch LO.

Since I'm most likely going to have to get up at like 4:30am to workout, shower, BF, etc., I'm trying to figure out where I can cut corners... and it would be helpful if I could eat breakfast on the go, rather than taking 10 minutes to sit down.

Does anybody eat bars for breakfast (or at any other time during the day)?  I'm thinking power bars, cliff bars, etc.  Are they safe/healthy for BFing mamas?  If you do eat them, what kind do you eat?  TIA :) 

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