
Not enough milk but not ready to give up. Help.

I'm so depressed. I've never been able to produce enough milk for my daughter and we've always had to supplement a little with formula. I really enjoy nursing so I didn't mind taking the extra time to give her a bottle of formula too.

lately it seems like my milk production getting lower and lower. I pump 3 times a day at work for 30 minutes each time. I can barely get 2 ounces combined each time. I guzzle water all day. I've tried oatmeal. Brewers Yeast. Mothers Milk tea. Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc supplements. Nothing seems to boost my supply! I've also had my pump checked by a lactation consultant and I've replaced membranes.

It's so depressing when I pump for 30 minutes and get less than an ounce from each side. I feel like I'm just wasting my time.

 Mentally and emotionally I'm not ready to give this up yet but my body doesn't seem to be agreeing with me. Any advice or helpful hints for me?

So happy for my BFPB Steff13914 and her new twins! Welcome to the world sweet babies:) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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