
WWYD: paci @ 5 days?

My 2nd LO was born Sunday morning. She latched right away and has had no trouble nursing. She did a LOT of nursing in the first couple of days and my milk came in on Wed night. Problem is, I'm having oversupply issues now. She isn't even coming close to emptying me and block feeding is not making a dent in the problem yet. And, DD really wants to comfort nurse. With DS, I had all sorts of trouble with his tongue tie and consequently poor weight gain. He was getting bottles of pumped milk at 4 days old, nursed with a shield, and when things finally stabilized my oversupply kept him from comfort sucking, so we gave him a pacifier. But he was 2 weeks old at that point and already switched between breast and bottle. This time, DD has not had any artificial nipples at all, although she sucks on my finger happily when she's not actually hungry. Would you risk introducing a paci at 5 days to keep her happy? Or deal with her crying more until 2 weeks and then offer it?
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