August 2013 Moms

Flu Shot--Yes or No?

Hello Ladies (and Gentlemen),

I need advice.  I'm starting to get paranoid about this Flu pandemic which seems to brewing across much of the country--including here in greater Chicagoland. I am a secondary teacher, spending my mornings at a high school with an open-concept layout and my afternoons at a middle school.  

I'm 11 weeks today, with my first child, and I'm really nervous about getting a flu shot.  Everything I'm seeing recommends the vaccination for ALL pregnant women, as the consequences of contracting the flu can be catastrophic--for mother and baby.  Still, I worry about the potential reactions, high fever, etc. which may come as a side effect.   I've never had a flu shot before, so I don't know how my body will react.

 So, advice?  Yes or No?  Did you get one?  Are you planning on it?  Thanks! 

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