
Barely keeping up - I hate pumping

Just a vent to get this out of my system.

I really wish I hadn't listened to everyone who said "don't pump until 6 weeks".  I am back to work this week and I have practically zero freezer stash and I am barely keeping up with my DS.

We had a tongue tie issue and my supply tanked at 5.5 weeks due to poor transfer.  I have had to fight with my body to get my supply back to where it is, and I am a completely stressed out mess at work with trying to pump every 2 hours to keep up with my DS's eating schedule.  I cringe in fear at night when I start doling out my pumped milk into bottles; what if I don't have enough? Crying

I am going to try and start pumping extra on the weekends to get a few more oz stashed away, but it's hard when my DS eats every two hours.  All I do is pump and breastfeed, and sometimes I have to give him the pumped milk in a bottle anyway because I won't have enough left for him when he wants to eat 1 hour later.  oh well, I knew it wouldn't be easy...

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