August 2013 Moms

sooooo anxious!!!

I am so anxious for my 1st appt with my dr. on 1/15 to make this whole thing real!! I have been keeping it a secret and have been avoiding getting excited or looking at anything fun b/c I dont want to get my hopes up if anything bad happens. Im having a difficult time staying super positive, i have been feeling like preparing for the worst is the best thing for me right now. I so desperately do not want to be disappointed!! I just cant wait to be able to be excited and have the confirmation to do so! I guess when I think about it I already am excited so why am I fighting it??? i had no clue how stressful carrying a child would be. Making sure Im not doing anything that could harm him/her, but I do think that overall the Internet is not my friend. There are just too many things that make me wonder if something could happen to me since it has happened to so many other people in the world. Could I be one of the lucky ones and have a perfect little baby? i just want Tuesday at 145pm to get here already! ill be almost 10wks by then. I want to hear or at least see my babys heartbeat so bad! I just want to get to the point that my husband seees the u/s and can be excited with me. right now, I dont think he even realizes Im pregnant!
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