

My twin boys are 3 months old. Long story short I got off to a rough start with breastfeeding since day one and I have been supplementing with formula. I went through the whole nurse,pump, bottle every 2 hours in the beginning to get my supply up. I take mothers milk special blend. I now got to the point of only giving one bottle of formula a day and the rest of the time I nurse. I was so proud of myself to reach this point. I don't have time to pump with having twins but on the rare occasion I do pump I get a good amount so I know I have a good supply. Now to my problem. In the last few weeks my one boy will latch and suck a few times then pull off and cries. He repeats this several times. Sometimes he ends up settling down and I can finally nurse him. Other times I end up giving him a bottle because he won't settle down until I do. He drinks it down no problem. I think he gets frustrated having to work harder at the breast. Thus doesn't happen everyday but often enough that I end up feeling awful that he cries so much and it makes me want to quit. Then I start second guessing my abilities to be able to keep them satisfied with bf. Some days are great and they go 3 hours between feedings and other days I feel like all they do is eat. I don't want to quit. Bottles are a hassle but I wonder if they will be happier and more satisfied. I know it doesn't have to be all or nothing and I could always bf then offer a bottle when they aren't nursing well but then I worry about my supply if I don't pump for that feeding.
Then yesterday my parents were over during a nursing meltdown and said I should just give a bottle and I didnt want to give up. They both finally settled down and nursed ok but again I feel awful now that they were crying. So I don't feel much encouragent for bf from them although I know they don't want to see me struggle.
At this age is it still common to have days where they eat every 1 1/2-2 hours and it not be a growth spurt? Or does that indicate they aren't getting enough at the breast?
Are these crying fits common or should nursing always be a nice calm experience? I love when they look up at me and smile. They are starting to have 4-5 hour stretches at night now so I know they can be satisfied. It's just these other occasions that get me questioning things.
Thanks for reading. Guess i needed to vent :)
(bumping from mobile)
Anniversary Baby
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