3rd Trimester

Sleep issues... :(

I think LO has had a growth spurt because in the last two days I've noticed my belly getting much tighter and rounder- I know it's a slow process but it's like all at once it really stuck out there like a basketball under my shirt. With all that being said, I've started having BH at night which makes for a very uncomfortable tossing and turning experience. I've made it this far without any type of pregnancy pillow (I have a body pillow I use occasionally but it never lasts long) but I went out today and bought a wedge. I can no longer lay on my side without rolling partially to the side and then LO pushes back and wakes my up, so I roll over but too fast so my belly tightens for a second- all in all it makes for a rough go. Hoping this is temporary while my body adjusts because I'm not sure if I can make it another 7ish weeks to DD without a good nights sleep. 

I actually saw a pillow online from Walmart that allows you to sleep on your stomach, it looks like a big piece of memory foam with a hole cut in it. I would have totally bought it if it wasn't $80... 

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