August 2013 Moms

F/U to not good u/s last week

I had my first OB visit today, and everything was fine. LO is actually measuring ahead, not behind. Makes me think the OB I saw last week either sucks at u/s, or didn't want to take the time to check properly. He didn't even take a measurement, just told me that there may be a HB, but probably not, and I was measuring behind for someone who should be 6 weeks (I was 6w 5d). And there was nothing I could do to stop a m/c, but they could tell me what is going on at my next appt. Not the most hopeful visit. 

Today I saw the midwife who took care of me while I labored with DD, and was much, much more helpful and informative. Although, is anyone else's midwife a little cooky? She held up a mirror and showed me my cervix when she had the speculum inserted. Of course I looked, but she totally caught me off guard. 

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