August 2013 Moms

It's real!!!

Saw my OB yesterday for the first appt and dating u/s. Until yesterday, I was a nervous wreck and it didn't seem like it was real. But as soon as I started talking to my dr, it all seemed so real and for the first time I allowed myself to get excited. U/S put me right on schedule for 8w4d and heart rate was 173! Now I'm so excited about it that I want to scream from the rooftops, but I'd like to give it a couple more weeks.

Anyone else have the "It's real" realization then have to wait to announce? It was so easy to keep a secret when I was full of worry that I'd have another early loss. Not to mention its getting impossible to hide my bump now. Even my dr teased me about it yesterday.
DS 5.5 years old. DD 3.5 years old. Jellybean EDD 8/18/13.
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