3rd Trimester

Answer to all my questions: baby girl is here!

Yes, those were contractions and yes they were the real thing. The IV was not the cause for my upset stomach. And the reason I was kept in ld so long Tuesday night was in fact kind of lame.
All that said, thankfully I had a heads up that this was probably the real thing and had a chance to pack my bag etx before I went in for my routine OB exam Wednesday at 1115. After monitoring they checked me around 12:15 and I was 4cm and 80percent. They rushed me over to the hospital, only a few steps away, and luckily DH was able to get here in time from getting the kids situated and driving from work 45min away in terrible flash floods.
DD is a very healthy 8lbs 3oz and is a total sweetheart! She seems tiny compared to my other two babies, but is very alert and has taken to BFing much better than I could have ever dreamed of. She is a clone of DS as a newborn, but luckily has a purple hat.
Hope everyone has a pleasant remainder of their pregnancy, and remembers it will all be worth it REALLY soon. GL to you all and see you over at 0 to 3! Happy and healthy vibes for you and your babies!
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