3rd Trimester

XP: Registry help?

So, I just found out last week that my work is going to throw a shower for me (awww). Until then, I wasn't expecting one at all from anyone. Thus, I hadn't registered anywhere... and several coworkers requested that I do so ASAP.So, I have all these dumb, newbie questions. Like...-Is it tacky to put nursing tanks on a baby shower registry? I won't put nursing pads or bras or anything like that on there, because, well, that's embarrassing and weird :X But are nursing tanks ok, even though they're really more for my comfort?  -How many items, roughly, is acceptable? I am having trouble picking stuff out at any of the typical, brick and mortar stores, but I don't want people to get frustrated, feeling like they have to just guess. (Whenever I go to a baby shower, I always go off the registry, usually the day of or day before the shower).-How expensive is too expensive, and thus, tacky? I added a Moby wrap and a Boppy, but I feel like they're kinda pricy. Since my work shower will be my only one, I don't want to give the wrong impression :/Any/all advice would be super-duper! Thanks! 
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