
Supply has tanked, help!

I have always had great supply. I was very ill over the weekend, with what I think was food poisoning. I had severe vomiting for 12 hours then was very dehydrated and could barely eat anything Saturday through Monday. My supply seems to have tanked over the last couple days. Boobs feel much less full between feedings. LO stays on the boob way longer than normal. I am pumping right now because I gave LO pumped milk tonight bc I was afraid he wasn't getting enough milk. Normally at a night pump, I would get 3 4 oz per side. Now I am barely getting one.

So my question is, has anyone else dealt with this? Will my supply come back? Should I do anything besides try to drink a lot of water?
BFP #1: 2/14/11. EDD: 10/20/11. Missed m/c discovered in April at 12 weeks, d&c. BFP #2: 12/27/11. EDD: 9/9/2012.
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