August 2013 Moms

Intro and 3 under 2!!


I am an untraditional mom...I had a daughter when I was very young who is now 25, and after getting married for the first time in 2008, I decided to have another baby and I have a beautiful one year old girl.  We wanted to have two close together so we started TTC again about 4 months ago and I found out I was pregnant again just before Christmas.  We just had our doctor appointment Monday and I got the surprise of my life when I saw TWINS on the monitor!!

Three babies under 2 at the age of 40 was definitely not part of the plan, haha.  But I am so happy and excited and looking forward to the adventure.  I am also petrified of complications and problems due to now being high risk because of the multiples and my age.  I'm really still in shock and trying to process everything.

Life is going to get very interesting!!  So happy to join you guys and looking forward to a happy and healthy pregnancy:)

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