
Growth spurt ?s

My DS is, I think, in his 3 month growth spurt. He turned 3 mos. on Dec 30. Over the weekend, he suddenly upped the amount he wanted to eat at each feeding, and was sleeping waaaay less during the day, and getting up 2x at night. Yesterday and today, he's been very clingy, eating smaller amounts but way more often, and sleeping 30 to 45 min every 2 hours or so. He also has slept 10 hours overnight with only one waking. I BF as much as possible and supplement with formula to fill him up. I have had chronic low supply due to a tongue tie that prevented DS from transferring milk until we finally figured it out around week supply was almost gone, I'm now back to about 65 BF. The last 2 days, when DS wakes hungry, he won't nurse. Refuses and throws a fit but will take the bottle. If I can get him on when he's sleepy, he nurses fine. I'm pumping when he refuses to nurse. Does anyone else nurse and supplement and know if this sounds like normal growth spurt behavior? I've only heard about babies wanting to nurse more, or wanting bigger bottles, which he's not quite doing.

On mobile, so apologies if formatting sucks!
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