
Bfing #2 with a toddler

Sorry if this is asked frequently, I scanned the page, but I don't lurk here anymore.

I'm expecting #2 at the end of May and DS will be 2.5.  He is great about independent play these days but often still wants me very close by (end of the world if I need to pee or make food).  I know eventually we'll be ok but those first few tough weeks with round the clock nursing/loooong nursing sessions (would take about an hour with DS) have me concerned.  My H won't be home for very long, just a few days and I have no family or friends that can routinely help.  DS is too big for a pnp and has always hated them.  LO will be too little to nurse hands free in a sling.

How did you manage the first few weeks....if you remember, that is!

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