August 2013 Moms

Breastfeeding Questions

So this will be my first baby and I really want to do a lot of breastfeeding. The reason I phrase it this odd way is because I have had a couple of people literally laugh when I say I want to breastfeed my first child, because they tried and it was impossible. I'll be staying home with baby (as is the plan now) and I am pretty determind to try my hardest to breastfeed. I do not know even one mother, my age or the generation before mine, that have breastfed so I don't have a lot of advice givers. And the girls my age that have tried basically made it sound like between baby not latching properly, the amount of time it takes for baby to nurse especially when you're so exhausted in the beginning, and lack of FTM milk supply, that the idea of nursing my baby is far fetched. I know this can't be entirely true...a lot of women breastfeed!

I guess my question is to the STM's out there or anyone with advice. When you had your first baby did you have trouble, especially with milk supply? Was it terribly hard to overcome? How did your situation end up going the months after birth?

BFP December 5th + MMC 1/18/2013
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