August 2013 Moms

Work is on to me

My assistant store manager called a (pointless) manager meeting yesterday to plan our schedules. We pretty much just rehashed that I have no availability until my mom recovers from surgery in 3 more weeks. When My mom had surgery I was up front and I said after the six weeks I expect to be back at my normal capacity, but as she is my main babysitter and can't lift LO I can't be here except for certain hours certain day. My job has called me every week asking for more availability.


Also I had mentioned to my one manager who I trust that I was pregnant and that I thought our assistant store manager was suspicious. My friend said she really didn't think so, but after the meeting she called me and told me that our assistant store manager is definitely on to me, and that after the meeting was trying to get my friend to spill the beans.


I'm potentially up for a promotion, and have no intention of saying a word to any one else until I'm giving birth practically. If I get the promotion then this won't even have mattered because I'll transfer stores and it won't be my team's problem any more. I feel strongly though that if I let them know, that it will completely ruin my chances of moving up. *ugh*


So now my basic game plan is to complain about how bloated I am intermittently and how I need to stop eating bread. They know I'm gluten intolerant so this may buy me time when I start to pop more.

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