
Plugged Duct...

Ah! So my LO finally let me sleep 2 1/2 hours straight last night (usually I only get 2 if I'm lucky...), would only nurse on one side when she woke up, and a couple hours later I woke up with a plugged duct on the side she wouldn't nurse on!! Unfortunately, she was also really fussy this morning, and I wasn't been able to get a good nursing session with her either. She would eat for a minute or two and then start fussing and then fall asleep for 5 minutes and then wake up and want to nurse, nurse for a minute or two and repeat... Fortunately, she finally fell asleep so hopefully she will be more hungry when she wakes up.

 Anyone have any tips for getting rid of a plugged duct before it progresses into something worse? I'm terrified of getting mastitis :( 

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