3rd Trimester

Who needs sleep?

I know there's no miracle answer to this question, just looking for some helpful hints you ladies might have found to work. How do you fall back asleep at night? I always seem to struggle to struggle with this...either I can't shut my brain down, there's a jumping party going on in there, or sometimes there's just no reason at all. Everyone keeps telling me "rest up while you can" but I work between 6-12 hours a day on weekdays, around 8 hours on Saturdays, so naps usually aren't a possibility and I don't want to spend my entire day off on Sunday snoozing when that's our day to run errands and accomplish everything. I've spent the last few weeks feeling like I could fall asleep at any given time at work...but can't sleep when I have the whole night to do so. 

FWIW I'm 32 weeks so I'm not at the point where I'm uncomfortable at night...I'm actually quite comfy on either side with a body pillow so I don't think that's part of the problem 

 Anything you've found that has helped? Or is this just another reality of pregnancy? 

Thanks :)  

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