August 2013 Moms

The News Is Out

This morning we had a fire alarm at work. Thank God, I had just entered and could walk right out. My office is on the eighth floor. On the way, back I got queasy the smell of cow maneuver was getting to me. I was walking in front of my assistant director and director. They go in front of me because I was walking slow trying to keep my shake down. Finally, my assistant director turns around and he goes I do not mean to offend you but are you, before he finished I just smiled and said yes. I could not say no because he approves my extended leave (maternity leave). However, he took really well he is super excited. We get to the sandwich shop he was talking to me about when his wife was pregnant. Then he goes, do not let this job stress you. If you need time off you let me know. We can accommodate anything you may need. It was nice because it means a lot to know your job has your back. Happy Hump Day Ladies!!!

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