
too much pumping?

I posted yesterday about a possible overactive letdown issue that may also be an oversupply issue. Is it possible I am pumping too much? I pump in the morning (the side she didn't eat on at night) usually at 5am, then I pump at work at 7am, 1015am, 1220pm and 220pm. I usually pump for about 15 minutes (double) but sometimes after 10 minutes nothing is coming out anymore. Should I stop once my flow stops? I do not want to create more of a problem!

Also, when I get home I usually nurse her and she has been fighting it. When I hand express the milk literally squirts across the room. I am assuming she is fighting it because it is squirting her too much in her mouth. What can I do? I have tried different positions, but she gets very fussy. I feel like a bad mom. Last night I was crying because she wouldn't latch on. Will I have to go to exclusively pumping and feeding her bottles?

Any help/advice is much appreciated! 

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