August 2013 Moms


My MIL found out I was pregnant just over  a week ago. She just flat out asked, what were we to do? I'm a terrible liar - so we told her. 

 However, I had a m/c at 6 weeks in November - so obviously I am on edge about this whole pregnancy - and she  knows that. I am trying VERY hard not to be - but as my 8 week appointment is approaching (1 week from today) I can't help but worry...

With that said, when she found out I made her PROMISE not to say a word. I have not told my parents, or my sisters - I wanted to at least get past the 8 week appointment.

 I found out tonight she told both of my SIL (her daughters) - Seriously?? She was talking to my H at the time, and I just burst into tears. Why do MILs think it is there right to share this kind of news?? This is our first pregnancy, we are nervous after a previous loss - isn't this something we should be able to share when we are ready??

 So frustrating - Doesn't help that today of all days I totally started to freak about everything - All the what if's - and praying that all goes well next Tuesday...

 Just a little annoyed... 

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