
Feeling sad...

LO is 7 months old and until tomorrow has been EBF, with some solids introduced recently.  Well, I have been upping my H20, taken Fenugreek, pumped more, eaten oatmeal, etc. AND my supply is still tanking.

As a FTWM, this has been really tough, but he's not getting enough milk from me when I pump at work SO I have to supplement with formula. Donor milk is not an option as it is SUPER expensive.

I have been very emotional and crying over this, but I need to be able to feed my baby. He's gotten 7 months of only breastmilk, so I have to keep telling myself that its ok.

We're doing organic soy formula, as I am dairy free (allergies) and don't want to rock the boat.  I'd LOVE some support from this board, this is a hard thing to do. I will keep BFing and pumping at work until my body decides to be done.  Its just hard ladies.

Thanks for *listening*...

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