
Finally got that feeling

My daughter is on the verge of turning 4 months, she has never latched on since birth.... I was an EPer since day one, quit when she was 1.5 months because my supply went really low and was under a lot of stress. Now that things in life are finally settled down I have been relactating since she turned 3 months, Been going okay so far, getting more and more each day, taking feenugreek, drinking lots of water, eating oatmeal etc... Today was the FIRST time since she was born that she latched and the feeling was AMAZING! I finally got to feel that "bond" between mommy and baby when breast feeding. I just had to share my joy (She latched with a shield but she still went to town for a good ten minutes and was getting milk from me!) This is a great way to end my night! =) 
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