August 2013 Moms

Another 2 mom intro

I missed posting on the other thread because I was having crazy siggy issues.  The picture of my LO was life-size and I didn't want to subject anyone to it, though he is adorable ;) 

My wife and I were legally married in MA 10/09/09.  I gave birth to our son 10/10/11 and now I am due with our second on 8/22.  We had our first u/s yesterday and saw a prefect little heartbeat and it's suddenly becoming much more real! We joke and say N has 2 smothers and 1 baby just ain't enough baby for 2 moms.  I'm looking forward to having another little person around to spread out the mom love.  I'm a regular on both the LGBT and October 11 boards.  I am looking forward to getting to know you all!


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