3rd Trimester

Thank you, Dr. Google!

Last night I posted about my Saturday night L&D visit for contractions.  They asked me all the normal questions including if there were any abnormalities with the baby (kidney dilation and underdeveloped ureters) and what my fluid levels were at my last perinatal ultrasound (normal) and that was that.  I got 3 1/2 bags of fluid and they were able to stop the contractions and I went home then ext morning with instructions to "take it easy and pay attention". 

Today I was Googling to see if there was anything I had missed or anything else I could do since I was still having contractions on and off.  Well, I learned that low amniotic fluid can cause contractions and that, of course, kidney issues can cause low fluid levels.  My last perinatal ultrasound was a month ago so  I called my doctor and he's having me come in tomorrow for an ultrasound instead of waiting until my scheduled one on the 25th.  

I am pretty sure things are going to be okay BUT I am so glad I decided to do some research instead of just waiting it out.  Better safe than sorry!

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