3rd Trimester

What to do with dogs during labor?

For all of you mommas out there with pets, what did you do with them during labor/recovery when you were in the hospital?

 I've suggested to DH that he can just go home and let them out/feed them several times a day (we only live about 10/15 minutes from the hospital) or ask our neighbors/friends that live in the neighborhood to let them out.  We're military and have no family close by that can watch the dogs for us, and the breeder that we got the dogs from has a no-kennelling clause in the contract so kennelling the dogs is out.

He says that the dogs won't like that b/c they won't get enough human interaction. I feel like, who cares, its a couple days, they can just suck it up. We both work full time out of the house so its not like they're used to having us in the house 24/7 as it is.

Any suggestions from moms who've been there?

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