August 2013 Moms

pregnancy makes me feel like my nephew

Babysitting my 3 month old nephew while SIL is at work and feel soooo pregnant today its rediculous. Noticing some similarities here. He gets hungry every 2 hrs and gets cranky about it. Me too! He naps frequently and I race into the next room with the monitor to fall asleep asap. We both lay on the ground together making noises like "unnngh". He does it out loud cause he's happy, I do it in my head cause I feel like craaap. And at points we both get so zoned out from being tired that we watch the shapes moving on the tv without having any idea what's going on. Fun times.

Except for the one new pregnancy symptom ever since my cold I have "congestion" from the blood constantly in my nose. I know the books warn you about nosebleeds but uuuuuuugh
BFP December 5th + MMC 1/18/2013
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