
Nursing to sleep

My DD is 11 months and has always nursed to sleep. I would like to try to get her to be able to go to sleep without nursing. Currently, I cosleep, I would like to get her in her own bed but I think I have decided to work on the nursing to sleep first.

A little history, she slept in her own bed for awhile and then we were sick and I brought her to my bed and just never really got her back to her own bed. She wakes up 3-4 times a night. If I move her to her own bed asleep she generally wakes up within an hour or two. I try to start getting her to sleep starting around 7:30 or 8 but sometimes she doesn't get to sleep until 10.

It is just really tough, I stay home with her, but when my husband gets home in the evening she just only wants me and to nurse, although usually she only nurses for a min or two and then does her own thing but will still start crying if I leave her side. Also, the few times I have left her home with my mom or husband in the evening she has cried for an hour even with them holding her :(

I tried the pantley method a few months ago, but maybe I should try again. I tried introducing her to a lovey, she hasn't gotten attached. I tried a schedule/routine. KLately I have been trying when we are cosleeping to just pat her and talk her back to sleep instead of nursing it works occasionally.

Sorry this is so long, but thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any advice.

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