August 2013 Moms

SCH & Bedrest

So after I had an episode this past weekend of gushing blood (sorry about the TMI), I went to my OB/MW practice yesterday and got to see my little one wiggling around on the screen measuring on track and having a normal heartbeat.  So everything looked great BUT she suspects that I might have a SCH (subchorionic hematoma) and would prefer placing me on bedrest for a week. After a long discussion we agreed that if I just went straight to work and came home and went to bed we would re-evaluate in a week.  My MW & OB think that when I have my NT scan at 12 weeks that will be able to better determine what is going on.  My question for you ladies that currently have a SCH or have had one in the past, if/when did you go on bedrest?  When was the u/s able to pick up the SCH? any other words of wisdom?  Thanks in advance!
IUI#1= DD born 1.5.2011
IUI #4 BFP EDD 5.5.2012 m/c 10/1/2012
Surprise! BFP 12/4/12 EDD 8/8/2012
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