August 2013 Moms

TTFN ladies

I had an ultrasound on Friday at 7w6d and found out that our LO's heart rate had dropped to 60bpm, we went in today to confirm that there was no heart beat. I have a d&c scheduled for Thursday & they will be doing genetic testing on the fetus to see if they can determine why I keep M/C. I wish you all a very happy and healty 9 months!!! 
?BFP #1 in 12/09 M/C 2/14/2010 8w 1day? ?BFP #2 on 6/28/2011 M/C 07/07/2011 5w 4days? ?BFP #3 on 12/4/2012 M/C 1/6/13 heart stopped beating at 8w1d? image
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