3rd Trimester

bloody show

Today I had a dr. appt. he did an exam and after when he was taking his glove off he said see the blood, that's normal. i said oh so my spotting on saturday was normal? he said yes, it's the bloody show. 

So I've had some dark red/brown blood. Just wondering how long it lasts for? how long after you had yours did you go into labor? i'm 40w.2d. waiting patiently for baby's arrival! :)  

also what did yours look like? i've been going potty frequently to check on it, and when i just went it almost looked like when you have your period, like red clot looking things, that were long.. i'll assume it's normal since I just had my exam.

he told me that if it looks like a period, flows heavy like that, to call. so i was just curious as to what others have experienced as their bloody show. 

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