3rd Trimester

41w Slump/vent

Getting so discouraged!

#1 and #2 were born at 39w and 40w, but this LO won't budge. I was up with contractions 5min apart Christmas morning for 2hr and they stopped. Then I had 4hr of 2 - 5 min apart contractions early morning January 3....but never really intensified or dilated me. Lately, nothing. I have contractions all day that stop as soon as I lay down for bed.

I'm getting so discouraged! We are trying everything! Sex 2-3 times a day. Walking over a mile a day. Stairs. Squats. RRL tea and capsules since 36w. Evening Primrose oil orally and inserted at night. Bouncing on my birth ball. Spicy food. Regular Webster-certed chiropractor appts since 37w. Reflexology twice. Acupressure once. Prenatal massage. Nipple stimulation. My midwife even stripped my membranes last Thursday...cramps and contractions all evening, then nothing. What am I missing?! 

I have another chiro appt today, then acupuncture at 2:30. Also thinking about trying black cohosh. Anyone have experience with that?

I really don't want to do castor oil, and my midwives will prescribe Cervidil soon if nothing happens. Has anyone taken Cervidil before?

I have one week from today or I will lose my chance for a birth center birth and be at the hospital for induction. After the perfect pregnancy, this is not how I want our birth to go! Any advice or encouragement is appreciated!!!  

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