
AF Killing Supply

I'll be honest and say I'm not sure what the point of this is really... I suppose mostly I'm hoping someone has words of encouragement/experience or some really clever ideas.

E has been on BM exclusively since my milk came in.  While pumping at work is a pain, I've been able to keep up with sometimes adding a session after she's in bed.  The past few weeks have been kind of hit or miss with pumping output, but with being off frequently over the holidays, it wasn't a big problem.

Now however, AF returned yesterday and pump output has plummeted.  Additionally, daycare requested we increase her bottle size as she's still hungry and unhappy at the end of feeding.   I had to defrost add'l milk for her bottles today even with having had 7 oz left from over the weekend.

And because most of my freezer stash is before I went dairy/soy free, I only have a small usable stash.  I'm not sure how/if we're going to make it through the week.  :-/

ARGH!!! I'm not even positive LO is MSPI because her diapers seem to clear and go green/mucousy without any obvious change in my diet.  But I hate to just ignore the diapers and give up.

Meh.... just really discouraged at the moment.

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