3rd Trimester

really bad advice

so my cousin is pregnant with her first and posted something on fbook about being 4cm dilated at 34.5 weeks although she wasn't having any contractions... any who, one of her gfs (who has a 1 year old) comes on and posts:

"you should have them break your water and induce you bc you can't get the epi once you reach 7cm"

I was like holy s*** that's crazy!!!! so when I pointed out that she wasn't even full term and the baby would most likely have to go to the NICU the same friend came back and said that just because the baby would be small doesn't mean anything would be wrong with having a baby that early... 

has anyone else seen really awful advice like this???  I wanted to smack her for worrying about getting pain meds vs the baby's safety :/

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