3rd Trimester

30 weeks with contractions...

I know there are others on here who have had a similar issue so please chime in.

Basically, on Saturday night I realized that I was contracting every three minutes, lasting one minute each, so I had to spend the night in L&D and get 3 1/2 bags of fluid. Luckily, they were able to stop them without any drugs and I was sent home with orders to "take it easy and pay attention to my body". 

The thing is, I really don't feel like I was doing "too much".  I was just doing my normal every day things and really started having issues when I was cooking dinner.  I hadn't even been back to work at my job (teaching Pre-K) from holiday break yet!  

Now I am back at work (so on my feet a lot of the day) and my husband is out of town for work (he's usually gone M-Th) and I am taking care of DS1 on my own.  I seem to get contractions when I bend too much or when I am going up and down the stairs.  I've probably had about 10 all day which isn't too many according to the "4-6 in an hour" rule but I am afraid that this whole thing is just going to get worse and I'm not going to be able to keep up.

How likely do you think it is that I will be able to keep working until I deliver?  I am really afraid of being told I can't work and possibly being put on bedrest.  I've made it a priority to only do what is necessary and to lay on my side for at least an hour after I get home from work (DS1 stays and plays at daycare for an extra hour before I get him) but I'm just feeling anxious about this whole situation...



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