3rd Trimester

NBR: wedding date?

FI and I were engaged just a month before we found out about LO. We had originally planned for a May 2013 wedding, but then decided that we'd rather take more time to get adjusted as a family of four (and, let's be honest.... I'm due Feb. 8th, and I don't want to have to feel pressured and rushed to lose all the baby weight within a matter of months) 

We changed to an October 2013 date, but our venue had booked up so much more quickly than anticipated, and the entire YEAR for 2012 and 2013 were booked up by September of 2012. We ultimately decided, "Okay, no big deal. We'll do it in 2014 at the venue we truly love."

I haven't wanted to talk about the wedding at all, even though he has asked me if I made a decision, so that we could put the deposit down to reserve the date. We have a lot going on with expecting LO, obviously, but were kind of thinking we'd just set the date, put the deposit down to secure the venue and we wouldn't have to revisit the wedding details for quite some time.

With a 2014 date, we can really do either/or. What do you think? May or October? It is a shabby chic/rustic feel on a farm, and I can imagine the beauty of both seasons. Just looking for some opinions.


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