August 2013 Moms

Donating cord blood

I know it is early for this, but I was wondering if anyone had considered donating their cord blood?

We donated both of our childrens in the past, and will again this time. DS's was actually used by someone, they called to go over his health history first to make sure nothing changed. I love that he was able to help someone.

It is very simple if you have a bank in your area. You register with the bank, fill out a medical questionnaire, and make certain your ob and hospital staff know. Most OBs donate their services. The bank does the rest. If you find that you need the cord blood later, and if they have not used it, they will give it back for a storage fee.

We used a st louis agency called The First Gift.

You can also find more info on it here
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

DS: age 4

DD: age 2

Currently pregnant with our 3rd!

BabyFetus Ticker</P

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