August 2013 Moms

Found out pregnant on 12/12/12

After 2 miscarriages since April we decided to wait till the following April to start again. on 12/12/12 I realized my period was late.  I bought a test from the store and it was a quick definite positive before the control line even came about.  Went to the dr and I was already almost 2 months WOOHOO  had an ultrasound and the arm and leg buds were already forming!  They gave me a due date of Aug 4th.  I go to the perinatal dr on the 18th  cause I am considered high risk for many reasons besides the fact that I turned 35 in Dec.  I think they are off on my due date by about 2 weeks so I should find out for sure that day.  This is just so exciting cause it seems like the whole process of trying is so stressful and then we stopped trying and now have what seems to be so far a healthy pregnancy :-)
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