
6 months later...infection?

Hi yall, I'm not new to the board, just haven't posted in a really long time. I have a question, I had my 2nd c/s 6 months ago and I kept getting tiny holes in the incision that would leak and my regular dr, not ob, never seemed concerned as by the time I got in to see him they were usually healing. However, two days ago, I noticed small blood stains on the band of my underwear, which was laying on the incision and yesterday, i was in so much pain on the right side. Today, it is very swollen, hurts like the day I came home and there is once again a small hole. I NEVER had these problems with my first c/s. I've called my OB and i'm waiting to hear back from them. Has anyone had this happen to them? 6 months later and Ive possibly got an infection? I'm overweight and still have that wonderful "hang" over the incision but I make sure I dry the area very well with a blow dryer after a shower. I feel like my underwear is like ripping of skin and I can't for the life of me figure out why I keep getting these little holes. anyone else? any advise? Tia
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