3rd Trimester

Say what doc?!

I had my appt with my OB last week and she kind of freaked me out. First she said she may induce at 38 weeks if my baby measures large at my ultrasound on the 29th (so far I'm not measuring large at all, but I have GD so she's trying to play safe). The induction wouldn't be such an issue if I didn't live in New Orleans. And my 38 week point is the day before Mardi Gras. And my hospital wasn't two streets off of the main parade routes (poor planning on my part). Not that big of an issue and I'm not worried, just stressed a little since traffic will suck hard core.

But the other thing she said has me a little worried/wondering. She said I should be feeling the baby move about 6 times an hour. But I don't. I don't know if it's because I've gotten used to his movements, or (as I've read on lots of sites) because he's getting larger and has less room to move around, but I just don't feel him as much as I did before. Have any of you been feeling LO less? I mean, I'll feel him randomly throughout the day, but it won't be strong movements all the time. A lot of the time they seem muffled. Anyone have experience with movements like that? I mean, more often than not, the movement I feel feels like he's pushing out on any given side. But when I told the doc that she said it was probably BH.....

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