August 2013 Moms

So impressed!

First appt with my midwife this morning went great! I am sold on her and cannot wait until my next appt! I've had some pretty bad experiences with OB's and this was so refreshing. She sat with DH and I and got to know us, did a thorough US where she explained everything, and discussed my birth plan.

I am so happy I switched over and am actually starting to believe I will get my rainbow baby this time around.

Sorry just wanted to tell someone since we haven't announced yet!
PAL/PgAL Always Welcome. EDD is 08/14/2013. Missed Miscarriage EDD: 08/25/2012-"I loved your for a thousand years and I will love you for a thousand more" Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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