August 2013 Moms

doctors office lol

soooo i finally called this morning to make my first appt. (my doc wont see me until after 8 weeks) and i said i was a little over 6 weeks and needed to come in for my first appointment.  my DS is 15 months and she said, oh you mean that this is your post partum visit, i see you just had a baby.  and i said, uh, this is another pregnancy and she was SO confused until she managed to look at the screen again to see DS was born in Oct. 2011, not 2012.  she said oh wow, so close together!

did she think i forgot that i just had a baby?

and DS will be nearly 2 years when this one is born, sure thats kind of close but i wouldnt say its omg close together.

 anyway... kind of made me lol just a little :-)

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