August 2013 Moms

ashkenazi jewish panel

Last week I spoke to a nurse at the ob office about the fact that no one asked me if I am ashkenazi or jewish before i got my blood work done, and i saw there is a specific blood work panel for us. So she asked about my familial history and basically said that since my father is a gentile, and my husband andhis entire family are gentiles, that I do not need the test since my baby would be at extreme low risk for any of the genetic disorders associated with whats on the panel. The doctor agreed
That said, she said i may want to get it done for my own piece of mind to see if I'm a carrier and I may want to discuss it with the doctor who does my NT scan. I'm leaning towards not doing it since apparently the panel is very costly and given my low risk. Anyone else had it done or decided not to have it done?
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