August 2013 Moms

? for moms of toddlers

Or really anyone who has been through transitioning from a crib to a bed....

DS will be 2 (like 24 months on the button, he is an August 2011 baby) when this LO arrives.  DS is pretty content in his crib, I'm surprised he hasn't crawled out, but he likes it in there.  He is also a wild sleeper, I find him scrunched up near the rail or turned completely around, all kinds of funny positions.  I can't imagine him being in a bed...he'd surely roll off, unless I found bed rails that go the entire length of the bed.

I know I have quite some time and he may be ready for a "big boy" bed by August anyway, but I am unsure if I should try to "evict" him from the crib and start transitioning to a twin this summer...or if I should just buy another crib for new baby and keep him in his crib/toddler bed (its a convertible crib) as long as he is happy? When have some of your older kiddos stopped using a crib?

And if you have transitioned before, any tips or tricks to share? (I will probably post on the toddler board as well...but figured I'd start here...lots of people that are in a similar sibling age separation here and may be doing the same thing).

August is our favorite month!
Married 8/6/2005. DS #1 Born 8/2/2011. Baby #2 8/13/2013!
Just missing the dreaded "2 under 2!"
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