August 2013 Moms

Runners or avid exercisers?

I'm a runner, but even before I found out I was prego, had decided to take it easy in December. I set a goal to run 2 miles every day that month just to keep myself from getting lazy and too flabby, and for the most part, I stuck to that plan with the exception of a couple of days here and there that were skipped and an extra mile thrown in every once in a great while. I was fine all through December and the first couple of days in January, but it seems like now it's getting harder and harder everyday. It's hard enough to get the motivation to do it, and then the act of actually following through zaps all my energy! What kind of exercises have you ladies been doing? Sticking to your normal routines, or taking it easy? If you're a runner, did you have any races coming up this year that you've decided to skip or go ahead with?
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