3rd Trimester

Help progressing early labor!

I have been in early labor since 4pm yesterday. My contractions started at 12 minutes apart and within 3 hours were down to 5-7 minutes apart and 1 minute long. these remained the same all throughout the evening and by 10pm I headed to L&d to see if I was dilating anymore. When I got there my contractions were starting to get more painful ad when they hooked me up to the monitor my contractions were reaching all the way to the top. They monitored me for an hour and everything stayed the same.. Then when they checked my dilation I had only progressed from 1cm to 2cm. I was devastated! They sent me home and offered to give me a sleeping pill, but I said no because I refuse to use any medication during pregnancy and childbirth. well now its the next day and nothing has changed. I am having contractions every 5-6 minutes and I am almost at 24 hours since the beginning. I've been walking, using my birthing ball and lots of squatting.. Is there anything else I can do to help this progress more? I am starting to feel more pressure in my lower abdomen, but they still aren't getting closer! Ughhh!
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